mom-and-son-with hand-on-pregnant-belly

Lytle Center for Pregnancy and Newborns

4.6   |  39 Ratings
2009.3 miles away
206-21-LYTLE (206-215-9853)
206-21-LYTLE (206-215-9853)
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., 7 days a week

Lytle Center for Pregnancy and Newborns

4.6   |  39 Ratings
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., 7 days a week
206-21-LYTLE (206-215-9853)
2009.3 miles away

No matter how many times you’ve been through it, expecting, having and raising a baby are truly some of life’s biggest challenges. Making that adventure a little less stressful is what we are all about.

Lytle Center resources
  • Breast pump rentals and other lactation supplies
  • Meeting space for support groups and childbirth, parenting and family classes
  • Baby changing and weighing station
  • Free WHALE™ (We Have A Little Emergency) Program kits
  • Fresh flowers and gifts
Hear advice from new moms and dads
Clinical services for mom and baby

Taking a new baby home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. That's why having a place to go for questions or concerns in the days and weeks following birth is so important. Get help with lactation, and take advantage of a new-mom and well-baby exam a few days after birth to make sure everything’s going just right.

  • Follow-up visit to assess breastfeeding, mom's recovery and newborn weight gain
  • Breastfeeding assistance with certified lactation consultants and nurse practitioners
  • Jaundice check for newborn
  • Congenital heart screening
  • Repeat car seat oximetry testing
Appointments and hours

To make an appointment call 206-215-9853, option 1
Open seven days a week: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (appointments are required)

Already scheduled your lactation appointment?

Please print and fill out your paperwork beforehand:

Pregnancy and postpartum outpatient therapy

Services are available at the First Hill Center for Perinatial Bonding and Support.

The WHALE™ (We Have A Little Emergency) program

Every year, very young children are involved in automobile accidents. They may be riding with parents, grandparents, day care providers or others. If the adult in the vehicle is seriously injured or unable to talk, emergency responders have no easy way of identifying the child. The WHALE Program can help.

WHALE stands for “We Have A Little Emergency.” It’s an identification program started in the 1990s by a child caregiver on the East Coast who wondered what would happen to the children in her care in the event of a car accident. Emergency personnel in 34 states now recognize and use the program.

WHALE at Swedish

In 1999, Swedish began working with law enforcement and other emergency personnel to put the WHALE Program into action. Since then, more than 40,000 WHALE kits have been distributed in Washington.

Similar to other emergency rescue programs, WHALE uses stickers on a vehicle’s windows and car seat to alert rescue workers to look on the back of the car seat for the child’s:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Medical history
  • Emergency contacts
Free WHALE kits at Swedish

Swedish provides free WHALE kits for parents and others who regularly travel with a child age 4 or younger. The kits include an information label and holder for the back of a car seat, and WHALE safety stickers for the sides of the car seat and vehicle windows.

For your free WHALE kit, call The Lytle Center for Pregnancy and Newborns: 206-215-9853, Option 4.

For more information about child car seat safety, please visit the NHTSA website.

What happens at my New Mom Checkup?

Six to eight weeks is considered the typical recovery time after giving birth, although it may be a while longer until you feel like your pre-baby self again. This checkup is a chance for your doctor or midwife to see how your body is recovering, and for you to ask any questions you have. Remember, what may feel a little embarrassing for you to talk about is nothing your doctor or midwife hasn’t heard before (and often), so ask away.

During your appointment, your provider will:

  • Give you a breast and pelvic exam
  • Discuss good nutrition and whether you should take any vitamins or supplements
  • Give you tips on exercise and healthy weight loss
  • Ask about your emotional state and overall well-being
  • Answer any questions you have
  • Ask about your plan for contraception. If you want to get an intra-uterine device (IUD), it’s possible that your doctor or midwife can insert it during this appointment.

If you give birth at Swedish First Hill, your new mom checkup will likely take place at the Lytle Center, right in the same building where you delivered. In some instances, moms who give birth at other Swedish campuses will also have their new mom checkup at the Lytle Center. If a family-practice doctor with OB delivers your newborn, and if this physician will also care for your new baby, you’ll probably have your new mom checkup wherever he or she practices.

Breastfeeding help at the Lytle Center

Whether you need a little – or a lot – of help with breastfeeding, the Lytle Center at Swedish First Hill is the place to be.

You can join group support classes or for more in-depth, personalized help, schedule an appointment with a lactation consultant. She’ll make sure your baby has a correct latch and good positioning, and answer any questions and concerns you have. Please contact your insurance company for details on your coverage.

To set up an appointment, call 206-21-LYTLE (206-215-9853).

Essential retail and breastfeeding supplies

At the Lytle Resource and Retail Center, you’ll find a store where you can buy essential breastfeeding supplies and other retail items. You can also rent a hospital-grade pump here, or a baby scale to track your newborn’s weight gain. Moms who give birth at First Hill or Ballard can arrange to get their pumps and scales before leaving the hospital. Insurance forms are available for breast pump rentals and outpatient lactation consultations.

To find out what we currently have in stock, please call 206-215-9853, option 4.

Medela items
  • Rental Breast Pump: Symphony®/Lactina®
  • Symphony®/Lactina® Tubing
  • Connectors
  • Valve and membranes
  • Pump In Style® retail breast pump
  • Freestyle® retail breast pump
  • Freestyle® tubing
  • Freestyle® spare parts kit
  • Harmony™ single manual hand pump
  • Breast shields - sizes 21, 24, 27, 30, 36mm
  • Disposable and washable breast pads
  • Hydrogel pads
  • Tender Care™ lanolin nipple cream
  • Nipple shields - sizes 16, 24mm
Clinical items
  • A & D ointment
  • Aquaphor® healing ointment
  • Baby Ddrops®, liquid Vitamin D for babies
  • Capri Plus maxi pads
  • Cushion rings
  • Desitin® diaper rash paste - 2oz
  • Fenugreek supplement for nursing mothers
  • Gripewater - 4oz
  • Honest Co. diapers - Size Newborn and Size 1
  • Infant gas relief drops
  • Mesh disposable underwear
  • Motherlove® diaper rash and thrush cream
  • Motherlove® nipple cream
  • Motherlove® sitz bath spray and concentrate
  • Poly-Vita drops with Iron
  • Preemie Pampers®
  • Witch Hazel pads


U.S. News & World Report - High Performing Hospital in Maternity (2025)